Get ready for an epic addition to the world of Savage Conquest with thrilling new characters!
This new soft vinyl figure series will be sculpted by the legendary John Black from Barely Human Toys!


©2023 Freybth the Deaf™ is a trademark of Barbarian Brothers™ All Rights Reserved.

Tuskill is a terrifying barbarian hunter, feared by all who dare to cross his path. He prowls through the wilderness like a vengeful spirit, his senses honed to a razor's edge, ready to strike at a moment's notice. His eyes gleam with an unnerving intensity, and his primal insticts are finely tuned to track and take down his quarry with brutal efficiency. To encounter Tuskill in the wild is to face an ominous and unsettling presence, one that sends shivers down the spine and leaves lasting impressions of dread.

©2023 Tuskill is a trademark of Barbarian Brothers™ All Rights Reserved. 

Pig Vomit is a repulsive and vile figure, barely even human. He gorges on anything he can find, whether it be rotten meat or spoiled vegetables, and has an odor that can make even the strongest stomachs churn. He wears a makeshift potato sack on his head, and ties a pig's snout over his nose to intimidate those around him. His loud and boisterous behavior is a relflection of his ill-mannered upbringing, and he's known to raid nearby villages, leaving nothing but destruction and chaos in his wake. In short, Pig Vomit is a man to be feared and avoided at all costs. 

©2023 Pig Vomit is a trademark of Barbarian Brothers™ All Rights Reserved.