The Legend Of Cold Tears™

The Legend of Cold Tears tells the tale of BenJim and FreyBth, two villagers who witness their village being attacked by a horde of barbarians. In an attempt to save his wife, BenJim chases after the raiders and enters the treacherous mountains of High Frost where they fled. However, he is faced with a giant goblin creature and is killed in battle. But his spirit is revived by a small ghost girl leaving his body as a frozen zombie-like living corpse. With his new form, he sets out to save his wife, hunting down the barbarians who took her. After finding her lifeless body, BenJim kills the barbarians with his arctic breath and axe, but is left with a cold heart as tears freeze on his face, forever known as the Legend of Cold Tears. 

The title "Cold Tears" reflects the emotional pain and phyical coldness BenJim experiences on his journy of vengeance.  

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